Presented in Mandarin
Chen, P., & Hung, C. W. (2023, November). Reform of rural education under the COVID-19 epidemic: a preliminary study on the practical experience of online learning. Rural Education Forum, Nantou, Taiwan.
Chen, P., & Hung, C. W. (2022, December). Systematic leadership and policy network for sustainable rural education innovation ecosystem. Rural Education Forum, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P. (2022, November). Construction of "Cognitive Coaching" Professional Learning Model: Approach from Cultural-historical Activity Theory. Workshop on Reshaping Human Learning by Cultural-historical Activity Theory. Beijing, China. (Online)
Chen, P. (2022, October). Building the sustainability of learning in schools: individual perspective. International Conference on Revisiting Educational Equality and Quality: Dialogue between Theory and Practice. Taipei, Taiwan. (Online)
Chen, P., & Hung, C. W., Kuo, P. C. (2022, October). Constructing Sustainable Place-based Education System: Project Governance Framework. 2022 Educational Leadership and Practice International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (Online)
Chen, P., & Hung, C. W. (2021, October). A Case Study of Scaffolding an Empowering System for Place-based Education. International Conference on Education for Future: Educational Equity, Excellence and Effectiveness, Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang, Y. S., & Chen, P. (2020, November). A Study of Local Joint Action Subject on Co-engendered Curriculum. Paper presented at 2020 International Conference on Education for Future Citizens: Powerful Learning and Innovative Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C. H., & Chen, P. (2020, November). Realizing Self-regulated Learning Curriculum by Secondary School Teachers: Form analytical lenses of contradiction and expansive learning. Paper presented at 2020 International Conference on Education for Future Citizens: Powerful Learning and Innovative Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
Zhang, J. Y., & Chen, P. (2020, October). The Study of Self-Regulated Learning and Curriculum Practice in the Experimental Public School. Paper presented at The International Conference on the Challenge and Innovation in Education Governance, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lu, Y. L., & Chen, P. (2020, October). One plus one is greater than N-Research of the agency of the mathematical practice community. Paper presented at The International Conference on the Challenge and Innovation in Education Governance, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P. (2020 September). School’s Practices on 108 Curriculum Guidelines. Paper presented at Conference of Curriculum Reform and the Nurture of Non-Cognitive Skills: An International Perspective. Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C. H., & Chen, P. (2019, November). Exploring Principal Leadership for Learning on Self-directed Learning. Paper presented at 2019 Academic Conference on The First Mile of Implementation of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, New Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P., Tseng, Y. H., Chen W. C., Lin, Y. C. (2019, November). The Imagination and Practice of School-Based Curricular in Senior High School. Paper presented at 2019 Academic Conference on The First Mile of Implementation of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, New Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P., Sim, S. C., Huang, Y. S., &Lu, Y. L. (2019, November). A Study on Constructing Teacher Transformative Agency and Its Formation of Collaborative Professionalism. Paper presented at 2019 International Conference on Educational Prospects: Talent Cultivation for Sustainable Development, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P., & Lin, C. H. (2019, November). Formation of Heutagogical Agency: Exploring UWC students’ learning experiences. Paper presented at 2019 International Conference on Educational Prospects: Talent Cultivation for Sustainable Development, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P. (2016, December). Strategy as Practice: A study of leadership model in VUCA. Paper presented at 2016 International Conference on East-Asian Principalship, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P. (2016, November). Exploring Professional Capital Accumulation in Teacher Communities of Practice—An approach of Actors Network Theory. Paper presented at APERA-TERA 2016, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Chien, F. L., & Chen, P. (2015, November). From Functional Leadership to Energy Leadership: Practicing and exploring school leadership from 0 to 1. Paper presented at The International Conference on Educational Imaginary: Evolution and innovation, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P., Cheng, M. Y., Huang, C., Cheng, Y. C., & Lin, Y. T. (2015, November). Enabling Pedagogical Imaginary: Networked learning communities and school-based learning communities realizing shared visions. Paper presented at The International Conference on Educational Imaginary: Evolution and Innovation, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P.(2015 March)。The role and function of university for high school progress. Paper presented at Conference of The Third Revolution of University: New Landscape of Knowledge, Learning, and Higher-Education Institution. National Cheng-chi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P., & Hsieh, H. C. (2014, October). Female Leadership and Academic Performance in Higher Education in Taiwan. Paper presented at 12th TFSA Annual Conference. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Chen, P. & Lin, T.(2013 Dec.)。Border-crossing learning: Professional development of school leadership. Paper presented at the fifth Cross-Straight Conference on School Principals. National Taipei Education University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P., & Lin, T. B. (2013, Nov.). Leading to Teach: A Study of Leadership Preparation Program in Taipei. International Conference on Changing from within: Reinventing agency in teaching and learning, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chien, F. L., & Chen, P. (2013, Nov.). A Study on Hourglass ATM Learning Leadership Action. International Conference on Changing from within: Reinventing agency in teaching and learning, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P., & Lo, T. H. (2012, December). The Fourth Road of Teacher Professional Development: Theoretical significance of learning communities practice. Paper presented at International Conference on 2020 Education Vision, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P. & Chang, C. (2012 June). Constructing PLCs measure. Paper presented at Conference on Leading by Learning. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P. & Pan, W. (2012 June). Leading learning: Exploring leadership practice and capability development. Paper presented at Conference on Leading by Learning. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, P. (2011 Sept.). Study on instructional innovation and PLCs. Paper presented at the fifth Cross-Straight Conference on School Improvement and Partnership. Lan-zhou Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China.
Presented in English
Chen, P. (2024, Jan). Exploring The Integration Of Global Framework Into Local Competence-Based Education: A Constitutional Logic Perspective On NPDL Implementation In Taiwan. 37th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement: QUALITY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION FOR ENHANCED SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND IMPROVEMENT: International Perspectives and Approaches, Dublin.
Chen, P. (2023, Nov). Co-constructing Border-Crossing Epistemic Objects of Learning Progression: A Case Study of Enacting New Pedagogies for Deep Learning in Taiwan. Australian Association for Research in Education 2023 Conference - Truth Voice Place: Critical junctures for educational research, Melbourne.
Chen, P., Lee, C., & Hsu, P. (2019, January). Co-generating integrated curriculum development by a teacher network in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 32th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Stavanger, Norway.
Hsieh, H., Chen, P., Lee, C., Lee, S., & Chu, Y. (2019, January). Diversity and Science Learning: Experiences of Waldorf schools graduates in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 32th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Stavanger, Norway.
Chen, P., Hsu, P., Su, S., Hwang, C., Cheng, Y., & Jien, F. (2018, January). Teacher community of practice and empowerment through expansive learning tools and collective inquiry. Paper presented at the 31th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Singapore, Singapore.
Chen, P. et al. (2018, November). Exploring school readiness for change in Taiwan: From a lens of policy design. Paper presented at the 2018 Beijing Normal University International Symposium on “Global perspectives on evidence-based research and practice of educational leadership and management," Beijing, China.
Chen, P. (2017, April). “One Student, One Curriculum Timetable” Expansive learning in curriculum reform within a Taiwanese high school. Paper presented at 2017 AERA Annual Meeting, San antonio, Texas.
Chen, P., Jian, F., Lin, H., Hsu, P., & Lan, W. (2016, January). Developing a pedagogical prototype to gear school change - on the process of a formative intervention approach research. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Glasgow, Scotland.
Chen, P. (2016, January). Creating an epistemological network for communal learning and pedagogical innovation: A rhizomatic approach. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Glasgow, Scotland.
Hsieh, H. C., Chen, P., & Lin, T. (2014, July). Gender and graduate students’ learning in engineering in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2nd Gender & STEM Network Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Chen, P., & Hsieh, H. C. (2014, July). Woman academic performance and leadership in Taiwan’s universities. Paper presented at 2nd Gender & STEM Network Conference. Berlin, Germany.
Chen, P., & Lin, T. B. (2014, June). Leadership empowerment program for school principals in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2nd Untested Ideas International Research Conference, Rhodes, Greece.
Chen, P. (2014, March). Creating an epistemological network for learning communities: Taipei’s experiences. Keynote speech delivered at the First International Conference for School as Learning Community, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan.
Lin, T.B., & Chen, P. (2014). In search of solution to improve school effectiveness: a case study of leadership preparation program in Taipei. In ICSEI 2014 (Ed.), The International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Annual Conference 2014 (CD-ROM), Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Chen, P., & Lee, C. D. (2014, January). PLC practices in Taiwan: Exploring influences of key factors. Paper presented at the 27th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Chen, P. (2013, June). Investigating Taiwanese Women’s Academic Leadership in the Context of Globalization. Paper presented at the XV Comparative Education World Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Chen, P., & Chiu, S. (2011, November). PLCs in Taiwan: current status, developments and challenges. Paper presented at the Pre-conference Session of Educational Leadership Conference, Denton, TX, USA.
Chen, P., & Chiu, S. (2011, November). Understanding School-Wide Professional Community in Taiwan Context and Views from Two High School Principals in Taipei. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.