Presented in Mandarin
Chen, P., Wang, T., Olivier, D. F., & Chiu, S. C. (2021, June). Developing a conceptual framework of readiness for change and its application in educational research. Educational Review, 56, 1-43.
Chen, P., K, C.Y., & Lin, H. (2021). Boundary objects by NPDL global networking and their effects on co-generating competency-based curriculum. Secondary Education, 72 (2), 34-53.
Chen, P., Chung, W. C., Lin, G. J., Hung, W. J., Chen, Y. C., Hsueh, S., & Ko, C. Y. (2020). Enabling Networked Action by Pilot Schools for Nurturing Democratic Professionalism. Secondary Education, 71 (4), 17-31. (Published in Mandarin)
Lin, Y. C., & Chen, P. (2020). A Study of the Development Process of School-based Required Courses in a Senior High School from the Perspective of Actor-Network Theory. Secondary Education, 71 (3), 17-29. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., Lin, C. H., & Chang, C. W. (2020). The Development and Practice of Interdisciplinary Curriculum: A case study on Taipei Municipal Nanhu High School. Education Research, 316, 4-22. (Published in Mandarin)
Lin, C. H., & Chen, P. (2020). Exploring Principal Leadership for Learning on Self-directed Learning. In C. H. Chen (ed.), Transforming and practicing self-regulated curriculum of 12-year Basic Education (pp. 135-160). National Academy for Education Research. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, L. R., Lin, C. H., & Chen, P. (2020). Implications of Social and Emotional Learning in Teacher Education in Taiwan - A case of San Jose State University. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 9(5), 30-36. (Published in Mandarin)
Lin, Y. C., Chen, Y. N., Kuo, Y. C., Pan, D. Y., Chen, W. C., & Chen, P. (2020). Sketching the Planning and the Development Experience of Senior High School Curriculum Program. Taiwan Education Review, 722, 72-80. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Lin, C. H. (2020). Formation of Heutagogical Agency: Exploring UWC students’ learning experiences. Education Research, 310, 102-119. (Published in Mandarin)
Chien, F. L., & Chen, P. (2020). A Study of Formalizing Self-regulation Learning in Senior High School with the Perspective of Learner-centered. Education Research, 309, 24-40. (Published in Mandarin)
Kuo, Y. F., & Chen, P. (2019). An International Comparative Study on Taiwan’s Principal Leadership Practices: Evidence from TALIS 2018. Education Research, 308, 4-16. (Published in Mandarin)
Luo, S. M., Lee, C. D., Lin, K. J., Chung, W. C., & Chen, P. (2019). Longitudinal Study on Changes in Organizational Capacities of SAP High Schools. Educational Review, 52, 77-116. (Published in Mandarin)
Chien, F. L., & Chen, P. (2018). Exploring a High School Transformation through the Lens of Activity Theory. Educational Research and Development, 14(3), 65-100. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2018). Ideation and Practice of Interdisciplinary Competence-Based Curriculum Workshop. Curriculum Studies, 13(2), 21-42. (Published in Mandarin)
Lin, C. H., Chen, L. J., & Chen, P. (2018). Implications of Hong Kong’s “Quality School Improvement Program” for Curriculum Collaboration in Taiwan. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 21(3), 59-90. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2018). Deep Learning for the Future: Co-engendered curriculum, sustained professional capacity, and systemic transformation. Secondary Education, 69(1), 8-17. (Published in Mandarin)
Yang, C. L., Chen, P., Hung, W. J., Chen, M. J., Hung, Y. S., & Sun, C. L. (2018). Moving from Distributed to Responsive Mode: multiple case studies on leadership practices of school actualization program. Secondary Education, 69(1), 21-43. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2017). Dialogue as Practice: A case study on the accumulation of professional capital by the networked learning communities. Research in Education Sciences, 62(3), 159-191. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2017). Leadership for Maintaining Public Interest – The Experience in Promoting School Actualization Program. Gender Equity Education Quarterly, 78, 27-37. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Hsieh, H. C. (2017). Female Leadership in Higher Education - Education Statistics and Report of Survey in 2005. Gender Equity Education Quarterly, 78, 51-57. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Hsieh, H. C. (2017). Introduction of Female and Leadership. Gender Equity Education Quarterly, 78, 11-14. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2016). Competence-Based Pedagogical Imaginary. General Education Online, 66, 8-10. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., Cheng, M. Y., Huang, C., Cheng, Y. C., & Lin, Y. T. (2016). Enabling Pedagogical Imaginary: networked learning communities and school-based learning communities realizing shared visions. Education Research, 265, 91-109. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., Huang, T. S., Hsu, M. C., & Hou, C. C. (2015). As Methodology Encounters Digital Learning: Experiencing Flipped Teaching. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 8(1), 51-70. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Lin, T. B. (2015). The Development of Professional Empowerment Program for Principals by Interorganizational Collaboration and Action Research. Educational Practice and Research, 28(1), 131-166. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2015). Structural Chasm, Networked Community, and Pedagogical Imaginary. Secondary Education, 66(1), 58-78. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., Chien, F. L. (2015). Introducing Concepts and Practices of Networked Learning Communities. Bulletin of Educational Research, 61(1), 137-150. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., Mao, C. J., Cheng, Y., C. (2014). Networked Learning Communities of Curriculum Collaboration Experience. Educators and Professional Development, 31(5), 61-72. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Pan, H. L. (2013). Principal Leadership for Learning: A study of leadership practices and curriculum development. Education Research, (229), 50-70. (Published in Mandarin)
Pan, H. L., Chen, P., Chang, S. C., Cheng, S. H., & Chen, W. Y. (2014). Concepts and Practices of Learning Community: An Analysis from the Perspective of Leadership for Learning. Journal of Education of Taipei Municipal University of Education, 45, 1-28. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., Kuo, C. H., & Ying, Y. J. (2012). Promoting the Development of Professional Learning Community on School Actualization Program. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 1(11), 36-42. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., Chung, W. C., Lin, G. J., & Kuo, C. H. (2012). The Development Strategy of High Leverage Policy on School Actualization Program. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 1(11), 43-50. (Published in Mandarin)
Lin, Y. H., & Chen, P. (2011). Contradictions Derived from Collaboration: Transformations and regenerations through university-school partnership in remote schools. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 7(4), 103-130. (Published in Mandarin)
Hsieh, H. C., Lin, D. S., & Chen, P. (2011). Crossing Gender Boundaries: Gender and College Majors in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, 48, 95-149. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Tzeng, J. Y. (2011). Exploring the Expansive Learning and Curriculum Innovation of a Professional Learning Community: An Approach of Activity Theory. Bulletin of Educational Research, 57(2), 39-84. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., &Mao, C. J. (2010). Accountability for Quality and Equity: The challenges and responses of NCLB Act. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 18(3), 1-47. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Chiao, C. C. (2009). Distributed Leadership and Professional Learning Community: A case study of innovative teaching in a high school. Research in Education Sciences, 54(1), 55-86. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2009). Learning Together, Leading Together: The construction and practice of professional learning community. Secondary Education, 60(3), 68-88. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2008). Professional Growth and Empowerment of Teachers through Conversations with Self and Settings. Kaohsiung Normal University Journal: Education and Social Sciences, (24), 21-48. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2008). The Rise and Development of Teacher Leadership. Journal of Education Research, (171), 41-57. (Published in Mandarin)
Sheu, T. M., Dan, J. W., Mao, C. J., & Chen, P. (2007). Constructing the Assessment Indexes of World-class University. Jiangsu Higher Education, (6), 26-29. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Ma, J. K. H. (2007) A Study of Aborigine College students’ School Attendance, Economic Burden, and the Willingness of Advanced Studies. 台灣高教研究電子報, 7. (Published in Mandarin)
Hsieh, H. C., Chen, P. (2006). From Dormant to Leaping: Introduction of feminist movement on campus. Gender Equality Education Quarterly, (34), 10-27. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P., & Chen, S. F. (2006). Internationalization of Higher Education in the United States. Educational Resources and Research, (71), 109-132. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2005). Exploring Transformational Leadership: A case study of a female principal's leadership experiences. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 13(2), 1-36. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2005). Acting 'Otherwise': Case Study of the Institutionalization of Women's/Gender Studies. Journal of Women’s and Gender Studies, (20), 255-271. (Published in Mandarin)
Chen, P. (2004). Acting 'Otherwise': The Institutionalization of Women's/Gender Studies in Taiwan's Universities. Journal Of General Education, 11(1&2), 37-70. (Published in Mandarin)
Presented in English
Chen, P., Yang, C., Hung, Y., Hung, W., & Chen, M. (2020). Exploring high-school readiness for change in Taiwan from a lens of policy design. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 16(3), 93-127. [TSSCI]
Wang, T., Olivier, D. F., & Chen, P. (2020): Creating individual and organizational readiness for change: conceptualization of system readiness for change in school education. International Journal of Leadership in Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603124.2020.1818131.
Chen, P., & Hsieh H.C. (2019). Women’s academic leadership under competing higher education policies in Taiwan, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 49(5), 759-776. DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2018.1454826 [SSCI]
Lin, T.B, & Chen, P. (2018). The Inception of a Curriculum Leadership Development Program in Taiwan: Rationales and designs. Chinese Education & Society 51(5), 324-336. DOI: 10.1080/10611932.2018.1510687
Hsieh, H. C., Chen, P., & Lin T. S. (2017). Girls’ and Boys’ Science Choices and Learning in Upper-Secondary Schools in Taiwan. Asian Women, 33(3), 41-64. [SSCI]
Chen, P., Lee, C.D., Lin, H., & Chang, C.X. (2016). Factors that develop effective professional learning communities in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(2), 248-265. DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2016.1148853 [SSCI]
Chen, P. & Wang, T. (2015). Exploring the evolution of a teacher professional learning community: a longitudinal case study at a Taiwanese high school. Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professional development, 19(4), 427-444. DOI:10.1080/13664530.2015.1050527.
Huffman, J., Olivier, D., Wang, T., Chen, P., Hairon, S., & Pang, N. (2015). Global conceptualization of the professional learning community process: Transitioning from country perspectives to international commonalities. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 19(3), 327-351.
Chen, P., & Lin, T. B. (2014). Developing the Leadership Empowerment Program for School Principals in Taiwan. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 3(2), 57–76.
Chen, P. (2012). Empowering identity reconstruction of indigenous college students through transformative learning. Educational Review, 64(2), 161–180. [SSCI]. doi:10.1080/00131911.2011.592574
Pan, H. W., & Chen, P. (2011). Challenges and research agenda of school leadership in Taiwan. School Leadership & Management, 31(4), 339–353. doi: 10.1080/13632434.2011.606270
Chen, P. (2008). Strategic leadership and school reform in Taiwan. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 19(3), 293–318. [SSCI]. doi: 10.1080/09243450802332119
Chen, P. (2002). Book Reviews: Education, Equity and Transformation edited by Crain Soudien, Peter Kallaway, with Mignonne Breier. Comparative Education Review, 46(2), 246–248. doi:10.1086/344913
Vogt, C., & Chen, P. (2001). Feminisms and the Internet. Peace Review, 13(3), 371–374. doi:10.1080/13668800120079072